Adult Education
2025 Session I: January 5-26
Sunday Morning Classes
After grabbing some refreshments in the Fellowship Café, join one of our Faith Formation classes from 9:40 – 10:40. All are welcome!
Jesus: A Pilgrimage
Owl Room
Led by Wendy Moeller
Join us on a pilgrimage with Father James Martin, SJ, as we read together and discuss his book Jesus: A Pilgrimage. Wendy Moeller, who leads the group, describes this book as a “travelogue, Bible study, and spiritual memoir all wrapped into one fabulous package.”
Combining the fascinating insights of historical Jesus studies with profound spiritual insights about the Christ of faith, Father Martin recreates the world of first-century Galilee and Judea to usher you into Jesus's life and times and show readers how Jesus speaks to us today. Martin also brings together the most up-to-date Scripture scholarship, wise spiritual reflections, and lighthearted stories about traveling through the Holy Land with a fellow (and funny) Jesuit, visiting important sites in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. Books are available in the church office for those who wish to participate.
The Present Word
Session House Parlor
Taught by George Evans
The Present Word is an in-depth Bible study for adults that dives deep into God’s Word, studying the Bible over a six-year period and focusing on a specific theme each quarter. The Present Word is a study of Scripture that leads to discovery of its deeper meaning and relevance for today. The winter quarter, “A King Forever and Ever,” explores the broad sweep of biblical teaching about God’s reign and connects to Jesus as the earthly exhibition of the divine Kingdom. Beginning with key moments in the history of David’s ancestors, Unit I highlights Jesus’s birth as the “Son of David.” Unit II is a four-week study of psalms that extol the reign of God, while Unit III gives a New Testament look at Jesus’s teachings on “Life in God’s Kingdom.”
Making Sense of the Bible
Session House
Taught by Lana Brunk and Dick Betts
In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam Hamilton, one of the country’s leading pastors and Christian authors, addresses the hot-button issues that plague the church and cultural debate and answers many of the questions frequently asked by Christians and non-Christians alike.
Did Jesus really teach that everyone who is not a Christian will be assigned to hell? Why would Paul command women to “keep silent in the church?” Were Adam and Eve real people? Is the book of Revelation really about the end times? Is the Bible ever wrong? In approachable and inviting language, Hamilton leads his readers to a deeper appreciation of the Bible.
Sunday Afternoon &
Every Wednesday
from 12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Life of Prayer: The
Practice of Contemplative
Owl Room and on Zoom
Led by Patrick Ryan
Led by the Rev. Patrick Ryan and guided by a seasonal book, this group journeys together along a way that Jesus taught in hopes of nurturing a greater awareness of the spiritual dimension in our lives. This winter we begin a new book, Good and Beautiful and Kind: Becoming Whole in a Fractured World by Rich Villodas.
We long for a good life, a beautiful life, a kind life. But clearly that’s not the world we live in. We carry the stress of our fractured world in our bodies and relationships. Families that once gathered around tables have converted those tables into walls. Hostility, rage, and offense is the language of our culture. How did we lose goodness, kindness, and beauty? And more importantly, how do we get them back into our lives? These are the two questions crying out in our streets, homes, churches, and from deep within our souls. Pastor and author Rich Villodas is convinced that only Jesus offers a way of being human that is both strong and tender enough to tear down the walls of hostility we experience daily.
Every Wednesday
from 5:00 pm–5:30 pm
Wednesday Evening
Contemplative Worship
Chapel (Ministry Center, 1st floor)
Led by Patrick Ryan
This worship service is an opportunity for a mid-week pause in our busy lives to ponder God’s living Word presented to us in Scripture. This half hour is sacred time to sit at God’s feet and listen for God’s still, small voice. Contact with your questions.
Third Saturday of the Month
from 9:30 am–11:00 am
Women at the Well
Harris Teeter Café, 3565 M L King Jr Blvd
Women at the Well is a great chance for women to gather for good company and great conversation––about anything. This is a wonderful time for the women of First Presbyterian Church to get to know one another better. It’s lots of fun! For more information, please contact Anne Little or Karen Ryan.
Third Sunday of the Month
from 4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Calvin and Hops
(Men’s Beer and Theology)
Brewery 99, 1030 Pollock St.
Calvin and Hops is an informal monthly gathering of men (not limited to Presbyterians) to discuss theology and the life of faith. Led by Ken Wilkins, we have a beer (beer-drinking not mandatory) and usually some salty snacks brought by one of the group members. We’re reading through Presbyterian theologian Shirley Guthrie’s Christian Doctrine, which has introduced thousands of Christians, seminary students, and theologians to the tenets of the Christian faith. Contact for more information.
Monday Evenings
from 7:00 pm–8:30 pm
Women’s Bible Study
on Zoom
Encounters, wonders, teachings, and mysteries—these are how we glimpse the life of Jesus in the four Gospels. You are invited to join the Monday Evening Women’s Bible Study as it starts up again on Monday, January 13th from 7:00 pm–8:30 pm on Zoom as we explore the book Into the Mess and Other Jesus Stories: Reflections On The Life Of Christ by Debie Thomas.
The book can be ordered from multiple online sources. For questions about the group please contact Leslie Pinkston, Marice DeBruhl, or Wendy Moeller. Call Wendy Moeller for the Zoom link.
Gatherings Once a Month
for Study and Fellowship
Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women (PW) continue our study of Patricia Tull’s Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation. This year’s study invites us to explore, with all our hearts, God’s call to care for our neighbors and for creation. Readers will learn about ecological systems, the challenges of creation care, and the possibilities available to address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment. For more information contact Janet Bryan.
Peer Support Groups
Mid-Week Opportunities
Every other Thursday beginning on
January 16 - 6:30 pm–7:30 pm
Presbyterian Men
Session House Parlor
Despite having friends, family, and co-workers around each day, most men don’t get to talk about what’s on their minds. Men often lack healthy role models to learn from. Imagine a circle of brothers that listens not only to what you say but can hear the truth beneath your words. Imagine having companions that remind you of your commitments, help clarify your vision, and provide tools for action. Imagine a circle of men that holds you in prayer and supports and challenges you in your journey toward greater Christlikeness. Presbyterian Men offers this community to all men who wish to join.
Third Monday of the Month
12:00 pm–1:00 pm
Rebuilding: Divorce
Recovery Group
Chapel, 1st Floor Ministry Center
Rebuilding: Divorce Recovery Group is just the right balance of a shoulder-to-cry-on and a kick-in-the-pants to support you as you get through this confusing and often painful process and begin putting your life back together after a separation or divorce. You need not have attended before, nor do you have to commit to attending every month. Contact Patrick Ryan ( with questions.
Second Tuesday of the Month,
12 pm–1 pm
Grief Support Group
Chapel, 1st Floor, Ministry Center
Grief certainly doesn’t work like we expect it to. In so many situations, those who have lost a loved one have to endure awkward and sometimes hurtful conversations, even with those who love them. Grief is one of those things that many who have not endured it do not know how to talk about. With readings each month, the Grief Support Group is a small group and a rare space to share our grief honestly and be heard and understood as we do so.