The hearts and the minds and the souls of this congregation are durable. We have proved that and I'm proud to be a part of that legacy. Our challenges present themselves, and they continue. But we will endure. We will endeavor.
Give prayerful consideration to supporting The Foundation of this church. We're enjoying what the thirteen founding members did and the legacy they created back then. In the next ten years we can build The Foundation so that it can take the stress off of the operating budget and create a legacy for those who come after us.
-Bill Pope
The Purpose of the Foundation
The Session of First Presbyterian Church established the Foundation in the summer of 2004. The mission of the Foundation is to encourage and manage gifts, bequests and contributions that will be used to expand and enrich the ministry of the church both locally and globally. Gifts to the Foundation are not intended to replace the generous congregational giving needed to meet normal daily operating needs.
Foundation gifts grow in value and earnings. Each year the Foundation makes funds available to the church that can be spent to expand outreach, worship, Christian Education, and property.
Giving is a wonderful expression of faith. Gifts to the Foundation provide church members with an opportunity to support church ministry beyond their earthly life.
Where do Foundation funds get used?
Providing for Outreach
Providing for Education and Worship
Caring for our Historic Campus
and, there is an additional fund for:
Unanticipated needs that do not fall within these categories
First Presbyterian Church Foundation FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Does the foundation help with the annual budget?
No. The foundation is still modest in size, so the Foundation Board and Session use only the Outreach portion of income that is generated each year and allow the rest to grow in order to allow for it to make more significant contributions in the future.
Is the purpose of the Foundation only to care for property expenses?
No. Care of the buildings and grounds is just one of its goals. The Foundation has three other components: Outreach, Christian Education & Worship, and Memorials (a general fund that can support a need that doesn’t fall within the other categories).
Is this the same thing as the Bicentennial Fund?
No. The Bicentennial Fund was started in 2017 to help defray significant buildings expenses – and it has done exactly that. The generosity of the congregation towards this fund has been a significant boost in caring for the five buildings on our campus- two of which are historic structures requiring even more nuanced care.
Can you still contribute to the Bicentennial Fund?
Yes you may. But we believe it is now in the church’s best interests to increase investment in The Foundation in order to do what the Bicentennial Fund has done while at the same time investing in the future.
Does the church have debt?
Yes. FPC still owes approximately $560,000 from our last Capital Campaign. We are paying monthly on this debt, but our interest rate is so low that it is to our advantage to keep the funds in The Foundation growing and earning at higher percentage than we pay on our debt.
Who manages the Foundation Funds?
Atlantic Wealth Management (based out of Morehead City) handles specific investments and the distribution of the portfolio, but they do so under guidance of the Foundation’s bylaws and an eight-member Foundation Board that also serves under the leadership of the Session.
Should I give to the Foundation or the Annual Budget?
First, you should give to the 2025 Budget of the church. If you have additional funds or want to talk about how we can continue the ministry of First Presbyterian Church for centuries to come, the Foundation is a wonderful way to build on the faithfulness of the last 207 years.
Members of the Board of the First Presbyterian Church Foundation: Dan Pritchett, chair Jody Cheek, Jim Findley, Lydia Finlayson, Steve Jones, Will Lathan, John Robert Mattocks, Trey Paul, Bill Pope, and Maggie Warren
Foundation Management
The Foundation is administered by a nine (9) member Board composed of ordained elders and lay members of the congregation that are elected by the Session. Committee members serve three (3) year staggered terms. The Church Treasurer is an ex-officio member of this Board.
How can you give?
* Cash
* Marketable Securities
* Life Insurance Policies
* Real Estate
* Gifts In-kind
* Pension Plans
* Retirement Plans
* Charitable Trusts
* Endowments
As with all things, you are encouraged to speak with your financial advisor about your options and possible tax advantages for your situation.
Contacting the Foundation
If you have questions or want to know more, please don’t hesitate to reach out.