Opus 89
Ranks: 19
Independent Voices: 16
Created: 1986
The organ’s visual design recalls organs built in New England in the mid 19th century. The elegantly simple case is painted white, the console and moldings are of Honduras mahogany. At the heart of the U-shaped rear gallery, the organ is in an ideal position to support the many choirs that it accompanies, as well as congregational hymn singing.
Organist Vance Harper Jones played the inaugural recital in the Spring of 1986 with music by composers from Bach to Albright, 300 years of organ repertoire.
Great, Man I
Open Diapason 8′
Stopt Diapason 8′
Principal 4′
Flute 4′
┌Fifteenth 2′
└Mixture IV
Cremona 8′
Swell, Man II enclosed
Spire Flute 8′
Chimney Flute 4′
┌Nazard 2 2/3′
└Sesquialtera II
┌Octave 2′
└Sharp III
Hautboy 8′
Bourdon 16′
Posaune 16′
Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Wind Stabilizer
Manual keyboards CC-g3, 56 notes
Pedal (flat and parallel) CC-f1, 30 notes
In bracketed pairs of stops above, drawing the knob halfway brings on the first stop and drawing the knob fully brings on the second stop.